Sweden from above
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Logga inUtgivningsdag: 2016-05-10
Recensionsdag: 2016-05-24
Mediakontakt: Bonnierförlagens Press
After 25 years crouched in airplanes flying over Sweden, aerial photographer Lars Bygdemark finally has his “big picture” story—the largest aviation photo book about Sweden ever made. In a magnificent 300-page volume, Bygdemark takes us on an epic journey through the sky, a trip that reveals Sweden’s considerable size and rich variation in landscapes and topographies, from fertile fields, lush meadows and glimmering lakes to archipelagos, mountains and forests. But there are also surprises here—strip mines, junkyards and cemeteries. Sweden from Above includes spectacular images of Gothenburg, Malmö, Stockholm and other cities. Some of these photographs are true works of art, and Bygdemark’s images have been exhibited across the country over the years. The book is divided into three main chapters—Götaland, Svealand and Norrland—and contains more than 170 images.Sweden’s foremost aerial photographer, Lars Bygdemark worked full-time for four years to complete this major book project. The Swedish-language edition is entitled Sverige från ovan.
Detaljerad fakta
Recensionsdag: 2016-05-24 Genre: Livsstil, hobby och fritid Fotograf: Lars Bygdemark Översättare: Kim Loughran Originalutgåvans titel: Sverige från ovan Originalutgåvans utgivningsår: 2006 Formgivare: Patric Leo Thema-kod: Pappersvaror Antal sidor: 304 Mått: 258 x 336 x 38 mm Vikt: 2695 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Inbunden, 9789171263940 (2016-05-10)