Anders Petersen
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Logga inUtgivningsdag: 2013-11-14
Recensionsdag: 2013-11-28
Mediakontakt: Bonnierförlagens Press
Anders Petersen is one of Europe's most important documentary photographers. His black and white images, often taken of the fringes of society, all exhibit a characteristic warmth and respect. His thirty or so books have become an important part of photographic history.
This book is by far the largest monograph of Petersen and his artistry. The work comprises more than 250 of his most important images, taken from all his projects to date, from his debut title Gröna Lund via Cafe Lehmitz to The City Diaries.
Urs Stahel, curator and art critic, and director of the Fotomuseum Winterthur in Zurich, writes an essay in which he interprets Petersen's art from an international perspective. Hasse Persson, photographer, writer, and former director of the Hasselblad Center, pens a short biography of Petersen's life, methods, and thinking that provides an overview and personal input to his work.
Anders Petersen is available in two language editions (Swedish and English).
Detaljerad fakta
Recensionsdag: 2013-11-28 Genre: Konst Fotograf: Anders Petersen Thema-kod: Konst Mått: 228 x 303 x 41 mm Vikt: 2184 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Inbunden, 9789171262837 (2013-11-14)