100 ways to save the world
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Logga inUtgivningsdag: 2007-10-30
Recensionsdag: 2007-10-30
Mediakontakt: Bokförlaget Max Ström Press
This book gives 100 simple, concrete tips to help you and your family save energy, cut pollution and build a more sustainable future. By focussing on opportunities and solutions rather than finger pointing and blame, 100 Ways to Save the World shows how everyone shares in the environmental legacy we leave to coming generations.Johan Tell writes in accessible and inspiring prose about difficult issues, introducing the sometimes complex trade-offs of a greener lifestyle in terminology that anyone can take to heart and understand. An editorial advisory board comprised of three professors in environmental fields helped to guarantee reliability.Possibly Sweden’s best-selling environmental book, 100 Ways to Save the World has been published in the UK, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the United States.This is a beautiful and well-made book bound in genuine linen. Production methods, paper, binding and even printing ink have been chosen to minimize environmental impacts.
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Recensionsdag: 2007-10-30 Mått: 197 x 232 x 19 mm Vikt: 676 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Inbunden, 9789171261168 (2007-10-30)